Celtic Revival
Showing all 19 results
The Works of John M. Synge. Four Volumes (1910)
€395.00 -
The Táin. Illustrated Seaghan Mac Cathmhaoil (1948)
€350.00 -
The Táin. First Edition (1907)
€395.00 -
The Playboy of the Western World. First Trade Edition (1907)
€695.00 -
The Masque of Finn (1907)
€125.00 -
The Fire-Bringers. A Play in One Act (1920)
€65.00 -
The Celtic Twilight. Men and Women, Dhoules and Faeries (1893)
€595.00 -
The Buried Life of Deirdre. Illustrated by the Author (1930)
€395.00 -
Stories From Carleton. With an Introduction by W.B. Yeats (1906)
€125.00 -
Representative Irish Tales. Specially Bound Copy (1979)
€450.00 -
Poems. Third Revised Edition (1901)
€295.00 -
Poems Written in Discouragement 1912-1913
€2,950.00 -
Literary Ideals in Ireland (1899)
€95.00 -
John Sherman and Dhoya (1891)
€650.00 -
Fairy and Folk Tales of the Irish Peasantry (1900)
€195.00 -
Early Poems and Stories (1925)
€395.00 -
Cuchulain of Muirthemne. First Edition (1902)