The Theatrical Notebooks of Samuel Beckett. Four Volumes (1992-1999)
Book ID: 63043
Price: €1,650.00
The Theatrical Notebooks of Samuel Beckett. Four Volumes. Volume 1: Waiting for Godot. With a Revised Text. Edited with an Introduction and Notes by Dougald McMillan and James Knowlson. London: Faber & Faber, 1993. Pp xxxii, 472. Volume 2: Endgame. With a Revised Text. Edited with an Introduction and Notes by S.E. Gontarskil (London 1992); Volume 3: Krapp’s Last Tape. With a Revised Text. Edited with an Introduction and Notes by James Knowlson (London 1992); Volume 4: The Shorter Plays. With Revised Notes for Footfalls, Come and Go and What Where. Edited with an Introduction and Notes by S.E. Gontarskil (London 1999). All volumes in fine condition in pictorial dust jackets
The series of the Theatrical Notebooks has been prepared under the General Editorship of James Knowlson of the University of Reading and Director of the Beckett International Foundation.
The complete set of this highly praised series of Beckett’s notebooks, which show for the first time the extensive revisions made by Beckett during revivals of the plays.
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