The Táin. First Edition (1907)

Author: Mary A. Hutton

Book ID: 68902

Price: 395.00

The Tain. Dublin: Talbot Press, 1907. First Edition. Pp xii, 495. Publisher’s buff cloth boards, title lettered in gilt to upper cover & spine. Ex library copy with stamps, rebacked. Contents in nice bright condition.

The Táin tells of a war against Ulster by Queen Medb of Connacht and her husband King Ailill, who intend to steal the stud bull Donn Cuailnge. Due to a curse upon the King and warriors of Ulster, the invaders are opposed only by teenaged demigod Cú Chulainn.

This first edition of 1907 was not illustrated, a second edition was published shortly afterwards containing six pen & ink drawings by Joseph Campbell.

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