Animal Sagacity. Exemplified by Facts. Chap Book (1819)

Author: W. H. Tyrrell (Publisher)

Book ID: 68625

Price: 150.00

Animal Sagacity. Exemplified by Facts: Shewing the Force of Instinct in Beasts, Birds, &c.. Dublin : Printed by W. H. Tyrrell, 1819. First Edition. Quarter calf, marbled boards. Title & floral motif in gilt to spine. Light shelf-wear, otherwise a very good copy.

Illustrated with six full page wood-cuts, including the frontispiece, with wood-cut vignette on title page.

First edition of this attractive little Irish children’s book (Chap Book), written in the form of a series of letters between two girls.

One of a series of excellent little Chap Books for young people published under the auspices of the Kildare Place Society.

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