Labour in Irish History. First Edition (1910)

Author: James Connolly

Book ID: 68876

Price: 1,850.00

Labour in Irish History and The Re-conquest of Ireland. With an Introduction by Robert Lynd. Dublin: Maunsel, 1910. First Edition. Pp xvi, 216, uncut. Publisher’s blue cloth boards, title lettered in gilt to upper cover & spine. Light shelf-wear and rubbing to cloth, contents in nice bright condition.

James Connolly’s achievements were as a labour leader. In Belfast he led a successful docker’s strike. In Dublin he worked with Jim Larkin in the Irish Transport and General Worker’s Union, organising a series of strikes which culminated in the unsuccessful 1913 Dublin Lock-out. He set up the Irish Citizen Army group of trained trade union volunteers for the defence of workers’ demonstrations from the Dublin Metropolitan Police.

He is best remembered for his part in the 1916 Rising and his execution by firing squad in Kilmainham Jail on May 12th. Unable to stand because of his combat injury, Connolly had been placed before a firing squad tied to a chair. His body was placed with those of his comrades in a common grave at the Arbour Hill military cemetery


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