Against Home Rule. Introduction by Sir Edward Carson (1912)

Author: S. Rosenbaum

Book ID: S. Rosenbaum

Price: 95.00

Against Home Rule. The Case for the Union. With Introduction by Sir Edward Carson and Preface by A. Bonar Law. Edited by S. Rosenbaum. London: Warne, 1912. First Edition. Pp 317. Publisher’s French pictorial wrappers. A very good copy.

A series of essays with an historical, critical & constructive chapter by each of the following:

Arthur J. Balfour M.P.; J. A. Chamberlain M.P.; Walter Long M.P.; George Wyndham M.P.; Lord Charles Beresford M.P.; J.H. Campbell M.P.; Gerald W. Balfour; Thomas J. Sinclair; Marquis of Londonderry; Earl Percy; L.S. Amery M.P.; George Cave M.P.; Godfrey Locker Lampson, M.P.

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