The Water Babies. Illustrated by A.E. Jackson (1920)

Author: Charles Kingsley

Book ID: 69038

Price: 195.00

The Water Babies. Illustrated in Colour by A.E. Jackson. London: H. Milford (OUP), 1920. First Edition Thus. Bound in the publisher’s original light blue cloth, the front cover and spine illustrated and lettered in gilt and dark blue, illustrated endpapers. A nice bright copy.

A delightful edition of the classic tale of young Tom, the chimney sweep who falls in the river and is transformed into a ‘water-baby’.

Complemented by the beautiful and dreamy illustrations of Alfred Edward Frederick Jackson which are full of movement.

Jackson also illustrated bestselling editions of Jonathan Swift’s Gulliver’s Travels (1914), Tales From Shakespeare (1919), Tales from the Arabian Nights (1920) and Daniel Defoe’s Robinson Crusoe (1921).

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