The Luck of The Bean-Rows (1921)

Author: Charles Nodier

Book ID: 69028

Price: 125.00

The Luck of The Bean-Rows. A Fairy Tale for Lucky Children, Translated from the French of Charles Nodier. Illustrated by Claud Lovat Fraser. London: Daniel O’Connor, [1921]. First Edition. Pp, 60. Publisher’s blue cloth-backed boards with a repeated diamond design in various colours. A nice bright copy.

The first edition of this particular translation. 

A charming fairy tale written by Charles Nodier  emphasising themes of fortune, kindness, and the magic of simplicity. It tells the story of an old, childless couple who discover a beautiful boy in their bean field. They name him “Luck of the Bean-Rows” and raise him as their own.

Illustrated, with several colour vignettes by Claud Lovat Fraser.

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