Beauties and Antiquities of Ireland (1897)

Author: Thomas O'Neill Russell

Book ID: 68933

Price: 150.00

Beauties and Antiquities of Ireland. Being a Tourist Guide to its Most Beautiful Scenery & an Archaeologist’s Manual for it’s Most Interesting Ruins. London: Trench, 1897. First Edition. Pp xviii, 399, uncut. Half morocco, over cloth boards, spine with raised bands, compartments embellished in gilt. Covers scuffed and worn along edges; ex library copy with stamps, otherwise contents pages in good condition.

Thirty chapters giving detailed descriptions of the most well-known sites of antiquity and the principal cities of Ireland. Illustrated with photographs in the text.

Thomas O’Neill Russell was an Irish novelist and a key figure in the Irish language revival movement, both in the U.S. and Ireland, during the nineteenth century.

He is referenced in Joyce’s Ulysses “O’Neill Russell? O, yes, he must speak the grand old tongue”

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