The Orpen Family. Printed from Private Circulation (1930)

Author: Goddard Henry Orpen

Book ID: 68922

Price: 195.00

The Orpen Family. Being an Account of the Life and Writings of Richard Orpen of Killowen, County Kerry, Together with Some Researches into his Forbears in England and Brief Notices of the Various Branches of the Orpen Family Descended from Him. London; Butler & Tanner, 1930. Printed from Private Circulation. Pp 204. Ex library copy with stamps in a library cloth binding. A good copy.

Illustrated with a frontispiece portrait of the author and ten plates in the text.

Contents include; Sir William Petty and his industrial colony in Kerry; Richard Orpen as agent to Sir W. Petty; The siege of Killowen; Richard Orpen’s military service, etc.

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