The Closing Years of Dean Swift’s Life (1849)

Author: William R. Wilde

Book ID: 68901

Price: 125.00

The Closing Years of Dean Swift’s Life. With An Appendix, Containing Several of his Poems hitherto Unpublished, and Some Remarks on Stella. Dublin: Hodges and Smith, 1849. First Edition. Pp 164. Ex library copy with stamps library cloth binding. Title page cropped along top, otherwise a very good copy.

Illustrated with a frontispiece plate and several drawings in the text.

William Wilde (1815-1876) was a ophthalmic surgeon, archaeologist, ethnologist, antiquarian, biographer, statistician, naturalist, topographer, historian, and folklorist.

Wilde wrote movingly on Swift and Stella and was the first to refute the popular supposition of Swift’s insanity.

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