The Natural Trout Fly and its Imitation. De Luxe Edition (1912)

Author: Leonard West

Book ID: 68825

Price: 2,950.00

The Natural Trout Fly and its Imitation. Being an Angler’s Record of Insects Seen at the Waterside and the Method of Making their Imitations. Published by the Author: Ravenshead, [1912]. De Luxe Edition. Original green crushed morocco boards, title lettered in gilt upper cover & spine, decorative gilt turn-ins, with all edges in gilt . A nice bright copy.

Illustrated with thirteen colour plates, monochrome illustrations, & with108 specimen trout flies contained in nine sunken mounts on five thick card leaves at rear of volume.

One of only a few copies, certainly less than 30, containing the fly specimens. The regular trade edition contains the colour plates of flies but not the actual specimens.

Published by the author and based on observations recorded in his private notebook.

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